
Humble beginnings

Aeshal is the realization of a dream that began in the hearts of two people, Maznah and Najath. Born and raised in Sri Lanka, they saw a need for modest-wear that was not only beautiful but also of the highest quality. With a passion for fashion and a commitment to their faith, they set out to create a brand that reflected their values and addressed the long-standing gaps in the market.

Starting small, they got each piece handcrafted with care and love. Word of mouth quickly spread, and their modest-wear became highly sought after. Today, Aeshal is proud to provide premium quality modest-wear to women around the world. We remain true to our roots and still handcraft every piece in Sri Lanka, ensuring that the love and care we put into each garment is felt by every customer.

Quality first

At Aeshal, we believe that quality should never be compromised. That's why we only use the finest materials and employ expert artisans to create our pieces. From the fabrics we choose to the finishes we apply, every detail is carefully considered to ensure that our garments are of the highest quality.

But our commitment to quality goes beyond just our products. We are also committed to minimizing our impact on the environment. That's why we've reduced single-use polythene and our clothing tags are now plantable. The seeds in the tag grow into beautiful wildflowers, a symbol of our commitment to sustainability and our belief that beauty can grow from even the smallest of things.

We take pride in the fact that our garments are not only beautiful but also timeless. They are made to last and become treasured pieces in your wardrobe. Thank you for joining us on this journey, and we look forward to continuing to provide you with the best of what we have to offer.